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The APS Science Policy Committee’s symposium at Experimental Biology 2015 explored scientific rigor and the issues that affect the reliability of research results.



A lack of consistent reproducibility in some pre-clinical research has serious implications for translating those findings from bench to bedside. This is a problem that requires urgent corrective action. Restoring confidence in the rigor of pre-clinical biomedical research will require all stakeholders to be a part of the solution, including basic scientists, academic institutions, industry, and publishers. NIH is committed to increasing the rigor and reliability of pre-clinical research, but funding agencies alone cannot address all the elements of the problem. Restoring confidence in pre-clinical biomedical research will require all stake-holders to be a part of the solution, including basic scientists, academic institutions, industry, and publishers. Improving reproducibility will require us to be involved, proactive, and willing to think and act differently.